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Friends of St Stephen's

FOSS – Friends of St Stephen’s are all of us! If you are a parent at St Stephen’s, then you are automatically part of FOSS!

Parents and carers volunteer to be part of the FOSS team that directs and organises school events. These school events raise necessary funds for the school, helping to equip our children so that they are well-educated, confident, inspired, culturally and socially aware strong individuals.

What does FOSS do?

FOSS organises lots of fun events during the year to raise funds to help with tight budgets and to help create a dynamic, happy, positive environment for all our children. 

Where do Funds come from?

Sponsorship - estate agents,
local businesses

Regular events such as the Quiz, Bingo,  Auction, Cabaret, Movie Nights etc.

Christmas and Summer Fairs

Your generous Direct Debits & your
Just Giving donations 

Where does the money go?

 Improved facilities

Support staff for each class

IT and computer room 

Specialist language teachers

Subsidised music lessons and instrument hire

A welcoming library and an amazing Librarian

A part-time sports coordinator 

Child Counsellor 


Drama: previous performances include Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and Mary Poppins

Regular Art and Design programmes 

Healthy eating programme 

Chess club

Debating competitions

Subsidised transport for school trips to London’s museums, theatres, art galleries and sporting competitions, minimising disruption to lessons and keeping costs low for all parents.

If you are interested in helping out with FOSS please get in touch:

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